Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back from Disneyland!

We all had an enjoyable trip to Disneyland, weather was not all that warm though. The weather started out nice with sun and highs of 22 then it dropped down to highs of only 12 and rain. I still managed to wear shorts for the entire 10 days and the kids dragged me down to the pool almost everyday too. By the end I was Disneylanded out and it's always nice to get home to your own bed and some peace & quiet from the kids!

When I got up on Sunday morning we were without phone, internet or satellite! The wind knocked the dish out of alignment. I lucked out today and got it back in the right position so I thought I better get this blog message out before it happens again, the ISP guy can't come until next week Wednesday.

When we left it was cold and snowy and when we returned it was warmer but very wet.

Here's some photos, only 5 of the 912 that I took! I bought a 1 gig memory card for the camera the day we left, when I installed it showed 999 pictures, it wasn't until the second day of shooting photos that it finally started counting down.

The famous flower Mickey and Tinkerbell.

The first person we ran into when we entered the park was none other than Mickey himself!

All of us in front of Walt & Mickey with Sleeping Beauty's Castle in the background.

The kids & Carolyn locked up on Pirate's Island.

The kids waiting for Dopey to show up, Erinn was waiting for Snow White!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Winter Vacation!

Tomorrow we leave to go visit this guy for 10 days!

More Winter Fun!

The kids spent Sunday getting their homework done, than it was time to enjoy the winter day. There can't be too many more of these left!

Grandpa helping Blair with his math homework.

Dad getting Erinn ready for the first trip down the hill.

Blair & Erinn ready for another trip down.

Erinn enjoying the day, check out those rosie cheeks!

Blair taking a breather after hiking back up the hill.


Grandpa & grandma came down for a visit on the weekend, they were up in Calgary at Jo & Vaun's visiting Teagan.

Erinn showing grandpa how to keep it in between the lines. I think they make these huge coloring books so grandpas can see them better!

Grandma & Kirby talking scrapbooking!

Blair & grandpa farming. Check out the new quonset grandpa brought, too bad it wasn't life-sized!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chore Day!

Saturday's are chore day at the ranch!

Blair enjoying cleaning the dishwasher out.

Erinn scrubbing the toilets.

Kirby folding her brother's underwear.

Carolyn pushing the vacuum.

....and me enjoying a beer and watching t.v.

Neighbour House Progress

Even with the cold weather construction has slowly been progressing with the new neighbours on the ridge. Its been almost like a race to see which construction company can get done first.

The two-story on lot 2 is in the lead, with the roof going on in the last few days!

Lot 3 was second to get its walls up.

And lot 7 is in last place with its walls just going up in the last couple of days!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dirty Ride!

Today the temperature was hovering around the freezing mark and the wind was down to a gentle south breeze so I decided to head outdoors and do a roadie; running on the treadmill is getting boring. My original plan was to ride to the top of the Black & White Trail but this changed shortly after I left when my Mp3 player died, so instead I opted for a loop around the block. Good thing since I encountered a flat tire at about the halfway point. Nothing like changing a tube on a dirty bike, along a dirty road with no tunes!

What a dirty girl! Kind of heart breaking to see her that dirty!

Oooo is she dirty! You should of seen me!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sunrise, Sunset!

The nice thing about the winter months is you don't miss the sun rising and setting, which is always picturesque on the prairie; no trees to block your view!

Sunrise at 7:51 am on a cold, -23 degree winter day.

Sunset at 5:23 pm on the same day.