Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Quinzy

Yesterday, during the blizzard, Blair & his friend Christopher built a snow fort, or at least started one. Today the kids finished by placing a tarp over the top and shovelling snow all around the edges to keep it from blowing away.

So, here is there Southern Alberta Quinzy! A Quinzy is a traditionally built by shovelling snow into a large pile and then hollowing out the inside to make it like an igloo, but since we don't get much snow here the kids used a tarp for a roof.

Erinn looking rather blue!

Kirby sitting in her homemade snow lounger.

Blair warming up from the cold wind and -16 temperatures outside his shelter. As usual he got a little carried away and had his survival pack, bow & arrow as well as some candles inside just in case he couldn't find his way back to the house due to the stormy weather conditions.

Outside Decorating

With the recent arrival of snow its looking more & more like a Saskatchewan winter!

I got the last of the lights up just before the blizzard arrived late Friday night.

Erinn got the stickers up in the front window.

Looking very Christmasy!

Even "Brenda" got some lights this year!

Decorating for Christmas

Today was tree decorating day at the Zimmer household. Carolyn always gets more excited than the kids with decorating the house. Last night she had to make a last minute trip to Walmart, in the blizzard, to get a new set of lights for the tree since the old one wasn't working, then she was up getting the lights and garland on so the kids could decorate it first thing this morning.

Here's the before shot of the tree.

The kids anxiously waiting to start decorating.

Mom & dad supervising; mom more than dad of course.

The decorating frenzy!

The finishing touch, Erinn putting the angel on the top.

The after picture. Some presents even appeared right after we were done.