Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another Species at Risk Project

This year's species at risk project began after we recieved the 2+ inches of rain. In the evenings we could hear this really loud croaking coming from the backyard, then the front yard. I recorded the sound and took it into the Fish & Wildlife office in Medicine Hat and had Joel, the Species at Risk Biologist listen to it, he said it was a Spade-foot toad.
Last year when we found tadpoles in the back pond we figured they were Spade-foots but after they hatched they ended up being Northern Leopard frogs. So this year we searched the yard but were unable to find any frogs or toads, instead we collected some tadpoles and had them on the back deck.
Today I was digging in the front yard in order to transplant some cacti when I heard this really weird noise coming from the hole I was digging in, it sounded like a spade grating against a rock, when I looked closer I noticed a frog jumping around!

This is what I found, a Spade-foot toad!

Erinn & Blair had to hold him before we buried him again.

A closeup of "Teddy the toad", Erinn had to name him!

After consulting with Joel, the Biologist, we dug a hole in the yard...

... and put "Teddy" in it, I then covered him with dirt and we watered him.
Spade-foots are known to burrow up to 6 feet into the dirt and remain there for years, emerging after lots of rain has fallen and then laying their eggs in a nearby puddle, which just happens to be in our front yard!
There are several hundred tadpoles in the pond and I'm adding water to it right now since this recent sun and warm weather is drying it out fast!

School's Out for Summer!

Well school is finally done for the year, things wrapped up this past week, Kirby finished her exams and was done on Thursday, Erinn & Blair had a couple of field trips, swimming and hot lunches and were done on Friday.

I worked in the Hat this week so I was able to join in on some of the festivities; this was Blair & I at one of the golf courses in town checking out the birdhouses they had made.

Erinn on the trampoline with some of the neighbour girls!

Blair got a set of golf clubs and is already to take on the links this summer.

Erinn with some more friends playing dress up on the back deck.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day!

It was nice to be home for Father's Day this year, I got to go for "Donuts with Dad" on Thursday and after several days of trying to keep secrets the kids were able to give me my presents they spent so much time making.
Erinn made me a clay cup, bunny rabbit and alligator during her field trip to Medelta Potteries.
Blair made me a really cool duct tape wallet, just like Red Green's.
And Kirby sewed me this apron, which I've been hinting I wanted one for the past month, I had requested a Saskatchewan Roughriders one but this one is a million times better, she made it from the kids old jeans!

Rain, Rain and More Rain!

After getting just over 2 inches of rain in 24 hours things were bound to start overflowing. Lucky for us we live on the ridge but unlucky for our neighbours down below us.

We came back from town and noticed Bullshead Creek had started to overflow and run across the 120.

Directly below us, where the kids and I hike, toboggan and skate in the winter was completely flooded out. Just on the other side of that little building in the center of the picture is our dugout where we get our irrigation water from, that won't be a concern this year.

The people that own the riding arena, just below us, were lucky they owned a mobile home with no basement, you can see the water was right to their doorstep. In the distance you can see some guys on horseback, they were rounding up some horses that were stranded on an island out in the pasture, the water was up to their bellies in places.

This was the extent of the flooding at our place, the "pond" in the front yard filled up and started running across the driveway.

As I was making supper I watched as the water continued to rise, here you can see vehicles still making there way through the flooded highway.

They finally closed this stretch since it just got too dangerous.

Looking back up towards the ridge you can see how deep the water was, the fence posts are just barely sticking up out of the water. Our friend who owns this property was only able to get his stock trailer, truck, tractor and baler out before the water rose too high, he had to leave behind his 5th wheel and some other machinery.
The Trans Canada is closed now between Dunmore and Maple Creek, some sections are completely washed away and they figure it will take at least a month to repair it and get it back to being passable. Anyone trying to get through is being routed north on a 5 hour detour!
The 41 to Elkwater is closed as well due to sections of it being washed out and the CPR mainline coming into the city from the east is gone, they are frantically trying to rebuild the bed by hauling in rock and gravel by railcar!

So Long Father John

We found out a few weeks ago that our friend Father John is getting moved to Chestermere, just outside of Calgary. They are building a brand new parish there and he will be taking it over. Lucky them and unlucky us!

Last weekend they had a farewell/sendoff party for him in conjunction with our Parish Picnic down at Kin Coulee Park.

Erinn and Father will miss each other the most since they are always joking and teasing each other!

Fun in the Sun!

So here's the pattern; Monday to Friday it rains and Saturday & Sunday the sun comes out, not too bad until the rain gets to be a little too much!!!

Erinn playing basketball at the farm.

Blair racing his Ford at Redcliff Days.

Erinn petting the bunny.

Blair getting suited up for his sumo wrestling match.

Spiderwoman made an appearance!

School is Winding Down!

With the last week of school finally here the kids are not really all that excited for summer, I guess maybe because it hasn't arrived yet to our area!
For the past couple of weeks Erinn & Blair have been busy with field trips, school plays and trips to the swimming pool. Twice now their track & field has been rained out!

Erinn at her Bug Safari at Police Point Park.

Blair petting a Burrowing Owl a the Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale.

Blair outside of the Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump near Fort MacLeod.

Blair playing a chevelle in a french play he did at school.

Erinn competing in an event at her track & field day just before the rain hit.

New Driver!

Lookout people someone got her learner's licence!
With a little help from dad and lots of studying she managed to pass it on her first try; now dad's got grey hair popping out!