This past week I've been
cruising around the district getting to know the
back roads, the boss is gone on holidays.
This is just southwest of Pincher Creek, there are lots of these rocky ridges.

No shortage of deer in this part of the country, here's a herd of mule-deer.

Here's a herd of white-tailed deer.

Looking out across the prairie at a field full of wind generators with the
Livingstone Range in the background.

Heading into the
Crownsnest Pass on Highway #3; that's
Turtle Mountain with the clouds hovering on top.

The box of my truck full with a road-killed cow elk.

This is a rough-legged hawk with a broken wing that someone brought in.
How are you loading the roadkill into the back of the truck? Electric winch or the old arm-strong method?
Well up until this week it was the old fashion way, using the arm-strong method, but no that my winch is working I'm using it, good thing since that elk weighed propably 750 pounds!
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