The first was a report of a bear getting into a local rancher's wooden grain bin. My partner and I set up a culvert trap beside the bin and ran some electrical fencing around the bin to keep him out and hopefully catch him. The next day the rancher called me to say we had him in the trap, so I went down and was surprised to find this big guy in there, he weighed in at 352 pounds! In the picture I've got him sedated and we are just processing him; we take measurements and check him for injuries, you can see we have him 'handcuffed' in case he starts to wake up. After we're done we put him back in the trap and wait for him to wake up, then he's relocated up into the mountains.
The same day we set the trap for the black bear we had a call from another rancher saying one of her 1500 pounds cows had been killed. My partner and I went out to investigate and discovered it was a grizzly that had killed the cow and by the size of the cow we figured it had to be a huge grizzly, so with the help of some more officers from Blairmore District we set another culvert trap and waited. Finally, two days after setting the trap, I found this big guy in it. We brought him back to Pincher Station and processed him, he weighed 600+ pounds; too big to pull out of the trap and weigh! He was taken way up to the northwest of the province and released into the forest where there are no cattle around.