Last night I was laying in bed reading, my
nightly ritual before sleep arrives, and one of the smoke detectors chirped. Carolyn awoke immediately and suggested I check things out, so with my headlamp on I ventured down the hall to see what was up.
We are apparently used to the peace a quiet; for one Carolyn woke up right away and secondly I walked through the upstairs, into the basement and didn't even realized my computer was off and the house was in total silence. I went straight to the kids bathroom to see why their nightlight was off, thinking the bulb was dead I walked back into my office and flipped on the light switch, when nothing happened it finally dawned on me that the power was off!
No big deal! I crawled back into bed and continued to read. "Its gonna get cold in here!" Carolyn thought
out loud. "Not for several hours" I replied. The temperature was down to -11 (outside) but unless the power was going to be off all night I wasn't too worried. I got up and looked out the windows, the lights were on all around us, only those on the ridge were suffering from this unexpected power failure!
At 3:30 am I awoke to my clock flashing "12:00", I got up again to check on things, the kids
nightlight was back on and everyone continued to sleep soundly; they hadn't frozen to death during the power outage. I climbed back into bed, set my clock to the correct time and picked up my book to where I had left off.
At 5:30 I awoke once again, this time my clock was black, I got up and went for a walk, again everyone around us was alight but we were left in the cold & dark! This time I set my alarm on my cellphone for Carolyn & the kids so they would get up in time for work & school and climbed back into bed.
When my cellphone alarm went off at 6:55 once again my clock flashed "12:00" and we hadn't frozen to death in our sleep! I guess living in the country we will have to get used to these power outages, hopefully they don't last too long though!